Truth: What a Way to Go!

Shirley MacLaine in "What A Way To Go!"/ My technicolor dream world

Shirley MacLaine in "What A Way To Go!"/ My technicolor dream world

I start a new job on Monday. As such, I have even more feelings than usual squirming around in my prefrontal cortex, vying for validation. I'm worried that I'll start to feel disconnected from the communities into which I've inserted myself, and currently vacant Rose-sized spaces will soon overflow with humans who are just like me but newer and sparklier and less neurotic. I'm worried about the learning curve that comes with determining a new routine, particularly because my present life requires no routine at all, and I'm worried that all that learning and unlearning will make me a distant, me-centric asshole for at least a little while. And maybe the people I love won't be as patient with me as I'll need them to be. And they'll trade me in for newer, sparklier, less neurotic pod-people while I'm figuring out how to log into Outlook.


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